Thursday, June 23, 2005

Okay, I’m pissed.  I went to go pay my Livonia Michigan taxes (speeding ticket) today.  And come to find out, I waited too long and I had to pay an extra $45!


This is why I’m pissed:


I got a ticket for speeding where there was NO speed limit sign posted.  Also, my car can’t get up to that speed in the time that the cop radared me.  I thought I had 30 days to reply/pay.  Well, they changed it to 21 days.  But you wouldn’t know from looking at the ticket.  The entry on the ticket actually looks like the cop wrote “01 days”.  I called the courthouse up and they said that I can pay the fine and request to have the late payment set aside.  Which I should have done, but figured it wasn’t worth the $30.  I then get a postcard saying I have 14 days before they suspend my license.  I go to the courthouse today to pay this.  On the 14th day mind you.  And she says that my license has been suspended.  WHAT!?!?  Now I owe them an extra $45 to reverse it!  So, for speeding where there was no sign and for a speed that my car couldn’t do, it cost me $180!!!!!!!


I was just sitting here looking at the postcard and read this: “NOTICE: You may have the right to set aside a default by requesting a hearing within 14 days of the mailing date.  You must post a bond equal to the total fine and costs noted when requesting a hearing to set aside a default.”


You know what that means?  It means the B1TCH lied to me and I could have had more than the late fee taken off!  I could have had the whole damn thing reversed!  But I didn’t look at the card until now.  Dammit!


Crap like this makes me want to quit my job here in Livonia and never drive through this damned city again!



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